Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fighting With Tenants: Are the Colorful Stories Worth It?

“Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation.”  (Kim Hubbard)

I sometimes feel that the same could be said of landlords about their rental tenants.  Landlords love to tell stories about how they outsmarted their tenants in their latest dispute.  And, conversely, renters love to do the same.


Landlord: So my tenants say they want to paint a room… they can’t even change a light bulb without calling me, and they want me to trust them to paint my house?  Yeah, right! 

Envious Landlord Friend #1: (excitedly) So what did you say to them?

Landlord: I told them I would graciously allow them to paint (self-congratulatory pause), but would need to see their handiwork afterwards; if it’s not up to snuff (and, as you know, I have high standards!), I would reserve the right to fix their painting and take the cost from their security deposit.  And if a drop of paint even hits the carpet, I let them know I’d add some new carpet and padding to their tab. (smug laugh)

EL Friend: Wow!  You really laid down the law!

Landlord: In cases like this, you don’t have a choice; business instinct just takes over.  I mean, the last time I was inspecting the house, I saw the tenant’s daughter coloring a picture… her crayon scrawls were completely outside the lines!  I hope this isn’t passed down in the genes!

EL Friend: Ha, ha!  I can’t wait to get a rental property so I can have clever stories to tell at parties like you! 

And from the tenant perspective:

Tenant: My landlord is crazy!  I want to paint a room and she is giving me the 3rd degree!

Tenant’s Non-Envious Friend: Well, two can play that game; call her about changing a light bulb again the next time she goes on vacation…

Tenant (laughing): Right!  And I have a feeling my toilet may be stopped up around midnight sometime this week…

TNE Friend: Too funny!  But are you sure you want her back in the house after the weird way she kept staring at your daughter last time?

The landlord-tenant relationship is like any other relationship.  If the landlord chooses to be vindictive and disrespectful, it will usually become a two-way street producing unnecessary stress and anger.  And, sadly, it is usually a more expensive venue to take as house maintenance is then often ignored by the tenant and leases are not renewed. 

But what if landlords choose peace and harmony?  It’s certainly more profitable!  But I know it’s not as sexy and it can make landlord party stories sort of boring:

Landlord: I sent my tenants a Ruby Tuesday gift card for renewing their lease again!

Non-Envious Landlord Friend: Hmmm… that’s great, really great.


Tenant: A gift card!  How thoughtful of her!  I need to remember to pick up air filters on our way to Ruby Tuesday’s tomorrow because it’s about time to install new ones.

Envious Tenant Friend: I wish my landlord showed that he appreciated me…

There’s a reward for being nice!  Unfortunately, it’s not payable by great stories.  But all is not lost!  The weather changes all the time so there’s always something to talk about at parties.

Brett Furniss is the President & Owner of BDF Realty (Charlotte Residential Property Management), the trusted real estate advisor for Charlotte landlords & Home of $100 Flat Fee Property Management.   BDF Realty utilizes their innovative Pod System for exceptional customer service in residential property management, home repairs, and home sales for single-family homes, condos, and town homes in the Charlotte-Metro Area.  Contact Us Today!

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